Each layer can have its own unique Keymap (sound source) as well as processing modulation using sliders, wheels, and switches. Signals from one layer can be cascaded into other layers, creating long processing paths altering a single signal.

VAST provides the ability to combine up to 32 layers of signal processing in a single patch (Program) with each layer having not only completely unique processing blocks such as filters, shapers, and distortion, but also having its own individual “wiring” between these different blocks. Kurzweil’s VAST synthesis architecture is one of the most advanced and powerful methods of shaping sound available in a hardware synthesizer today. With 9 front panel sliders, 10 switch buttons, pitch wheel, modulation wheel, 3 switch pedal inputs, 2 continuous controller pedal inputs, and key-activated monopressure, as well as inputs for an optional K2600-style “Super Ribbon” and breath controller input, the PC3K provides a staggering array of control options at your fingertips (and feet!) 150 factory Setups (multi-timbral layers and splits) are included that combine many of these different sounds into interesting and unique combinations. The PC3K comes equipped with 1074 factory presets (Programs) spanning a wide range of pianos, electric pianos, strings, brass, guitars, drums, many different types of synthesizer timbres, and much more.

A world-class sound set, VAST™ synthesis architecture that remains unparalleled in depth and flexibility, hugely powerful KDFX effects processing, and the addition of 128 MB of Flash sample memory make the PC3K series what some in the music industry refer to as “the solid gold Swiss army knife” of professional keyboard sound and functionality. It represents the culmination of Kurzweil’s advanced synthesis hardware and software, combining all of the best aspects of the award-winning K-series (K2000, K2500, K2600) and PC-series (PC88, PC2X) and then adding even more improvements on top of that. The Kurzweil PC3K series is the state of the art in Kurzweil performance controller technology.

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